
JOHNSONOLOGY is defined as the study of managerial psychology through a series of scientific principles created by Dr. Rick D. Johnson, Doctor of Management and Certified Project Management Professional.  As a research inquiry, the focus is to develop managerial axioms that advance contemporary existing knowledge surrounding professional management logic and practice. Johnsonology is the foundation for Dr. Johnson’s AEC Management Cybernetics Model (The MC Model).


  • MANAGERENSICS: This is the name given to one principle under development by Dr. Johnson based on a hybrid ideology of the theory of management cybernetics and the philosophy of forensics. Ultimately, showing how this principle may work within the MC Model is the initial goal as case studies and phenomenological approaches conclude, and applied research progresses through process consulting inclusive of action research. This strategy is viewed first through the lens of inductive social science (social psychology) via qualitative research where grounded theory is analyzed repeatedly to validate its practical application in industry practice along with academia. When a deductive contribution is sought, a mixed-methods study and some form of a quasi-experiment shall be conducted depending on the topic of investigation.

The rationale for this principle came about due to an evidence-based approach to management consulting that Dr. Johnson calls Management Forensics – he defines it as:

“The application of the science of management in a legal or regulated occupational setting inclusive of integrated multidiscipline leadership and formal professional management, operations debate, or argumentation culminating a process of meta-management system analysis.”

Dr. Rick D. Johnson | DM, PMP

  • KYBERNOLOGY: This is the second principle taken from the word “kibernetics” which is further taken from the Latin word “kybernetes”: the governor or captain who steers. This is relevant [as the study of governance] because it is part of the makeup of cybernetics. Managerensics or kybernology can be referenced together or individually because there is an overlap of similar elements of epistemology and ontology related to both.
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