Johnson Research Practice

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Professional research is a practice that is regulated similar to medicine, law, architecture, and other professions. Although it does not require a state license to practice, when the research involves live human or animal subjects, a researcher must adhere to ethical and life-safety research standards to protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of participants and subjects taking part. Human subject protection during research is a priority at the firm and our priority is to minimize risks and do no harm while also maximizing benefits. Investigators must practice all applicable research standards in compliance with the National Research Act and others that may apply to specific research areas. Research spans the world and international standards must be met when conducting in nations outside of the U.S.A.


Johnson Research Practice performs all research in accordance with national and international research ethics and regulations. While practicing with the goal of adding to the body of knowledge in the field of study, we strive for accuracy and reliability. Much of the research undertaken by the firm is for practical purposes as applied research but scholarly studies are the basis when performing all studies. 486For those interested in co-authorship on research articles, book chapters, or others, please contact this research business division to discuss how we may partner with you or provide a research service such as data collection and analysis for qualitative research projects. Our mission is to develop theory, research, teaching, and practice in industry and academia.

Dr. Johnson is a trained researcher and registered scientist and maintains his research credentials via the  CITI Human Subjects Research (HSR) and Social and Behavioral Research (SBR) training program administered through the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine where he bi-annually updates his practice and education in research. Additionally, he maintains his registration annually as a professional scientist through the Science Council headquartered in the UK. He is a professional scientist member of the Institute of Science & Technology.

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